Saturday, February 7, 2009

February 7, 2009 7th edition

In his sermon this week, Pastor Rick Duncan saluted the many groups in our church who reach out to service those in our community who are in need. Their model? Jesus Christ. Their reward? The joy of giving!

Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many." (Matt 20:28)


“Jillian Antonucci is with us. She joined the Prison Fellowship Angel Tree Program. That's a program that exists in order to help a child whose parent may be or has been in prison. It's a great program, by the way.
“She takes time out from attending Grove City College in Pennsylvania to mentor Brianna Morris, whose father and mother have both been in prison. I asked her, I said, ‘Well, how did you get involved with the program?’ She said, ‘The first thing is I prayed and asked for guidance from the Almighty.’ It's kind of an interesting way to become inspired, isn't it? Matter of fact, it is the basis of many faith-based programs—matter of fact, it's the basis of all faith-based programs.

“Brianna was suffering from depression. But Jillian, as a result of her love and desire to help, has watched this young lady become someone who is laughing and more open, somebody who has set goals. Interestingly enough, the goal: she either wants to be a basketball player or a computer technician. If your jump shot doesn't work, go computers. But we want to thank you both for being here. Thank you for coming. Please stand up and be recognized for your good work.”

President George W. Bush, Helping America’s Youth Initiative. April 1, 2008


We are glad your Christmas was a blessing with your family.
We have made 2 contacts with our prison ministry family, and have set up times twice a month for small visits with them. We pray the Lord will give us just the right words to use when we meet with them. Much Love and Care, Karen and Kylee Keeven


We brought gifts to Junior and included some to his half sister and for mom. The family is very nice, cordial, and very young. Mother is only 23. Her current husband is battling cancer. She is, very petite and lovely, works at the Asilomar front desk. It seems she may not be attending a church at this time. She knows, and will be reminded, that we will encourage their faith in Christ. So, a good start. Ann is very encouraged, and the kids are gems, the way the Lord does. There is an extended family around them, grandma, cousins, uncles and aunts, so while life is not real easy, there is plenty of support. Ron and Ann Kihara

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Just this week, the Joan Orchard bible study group celebrated a get together with their adopted family with a pot luck luncheon. The mom without prompting, gave an update, expressed her heartfelt gratitude to one and all, and asked for continued prayers for her family of six. There were few dry eyes in the room. All were struck how God was using this family for His glory, for now she too is ministering to another woman caught up in the legal system.


In His service

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