Saturday, May 25, 2013


MAY 27, 2013

Chapter 1, Going to prison 

KIMBLE: I didn't kill my wife.
GERARD: So, you didn't kill your wife. Not my problem. I don't care…

GERARD: That's right, Kimble... I'm not trying to solve a puzzle here. I'm just the poor working man that's paid to hunt you down. (The Fugitive, 1993, Screen Play, Tommy Lee Jones (Inspector Gerard), Harrison Ford (Dr. Kimble).

“Well you gotta remember, the Dr. Kimble case was very high profile. A cop or marshal could literally make a career by being the man who brought in Kimble.” (Movie reviewer)

A LIVING PARABLE I said I was sorry. We didn't mean for it to turn out this way, but were at a rock and a hard spot and afraid for ourselves. Things just got a bit out of control. You know, I had a job to do and couldn't quite get it all done. 

Maybe I stretched it a little, but I felt under the gun, and one thing led to another. Besides, everyone was in on it too. It wasn't as if I was the only bad one. Then one thing led to another, and in no time, we were so busy covering up, we were doing nothing right. What choice did I really have? 

I’m not really a bad person. It’s not like I ever did anything like this before, or will again, but this was different, and everybody got caught up in it. The truth is the doctor isn't really such a nice guy; he was always pushing to get things done. Didn't he know we tried? But after awhile we were all trapped, and I had enough respect for my co-workers not to rat on them. Besides, he had it all: money, a big house, nice cars, and a great family. 

 Personally, I didn't like any of it from the beginning. I thought it would all blow over in time. None of us ever dreamed the feds and the lawyers would pick up on our stories as they did. But what’s a girl to do? Nobody told them to waste ten years trying to bring him down like they did. I think they just got caught up in the possibilities and their passions took over.

You know, nobody there could make it fit either. Each investigator worked hard looking for a smoking gun. The next thing I knew another agency was called in. I couldn't keep it all straight. Personally, I wanted out; it wasn't like I wanted his money, but the other girls said we all deserved something out of it. After all, we did mean well, at least at the beginning. 

The government people scared me to death. It was like they smelled blood or something. They have a way of making you feel guilty or something. And somebody is going down, and if not him it’s you. After they got what they wanted from me, I felt dirty, and called up my friends for consolation. That’s how they make you feel. Personally, I think they all made a mountain out of a molehill. It wasn't me who ruined his life. Personally, I don’t think he deserved any of this. 

Going up against a Government, hell bent to obtain a conviction is a lesson in futility. So seven years into it, I cried uncle, and gave it up to the Father. I accepted a plea bargain. At the very real threat of spending the rest of my life in prison, my remaining attorneys suggested I accept a plea bargain. Everything I had built up in a lifetime career of public service in medicine was gone. My medical license, my reputation, my family’s financial security, and my freedom. I was broke and in hock for several hundred thousands of dollars.

“There is no sound louder than the slamming of a prison gate.” (Professor David Protess, Medill Innocence Project, Northwestern University) 

“To think that slamming people behind bars, breaking their spirits, and destroying their souls could do anything other than lead to more evil is the ultimate naiveté”. (Mark Olson) 

Atwater is the model for the next generation of Federal Penitentiaries, recently built for high security and not creature comfort. We walk through a maze of corridors, through one locked door after another. The décor is reinforced rock. Eventually we enter a large open area with an administrative section and my cell-to-be for the next several hours. After a few cursory questions, fingerprinting, and a mug shot, I almost happily retreat behind the locked bars to my cell. I am dog tired and no longer feeling very courageous. The metal chair is cold and the wholly visible stainless steel toilet seat even more so. There I wait, scarcely caring what comes next. I am reminded of a scene from an old James Cagney movie, but in this remake, I am Bugsy Siegel.

Laurie Levenson, a former federal prosecutor who now is a professor of criminal law and ethics at Los Angeles’ Loyola Law School, calls the phenomenon of innocent people pleading guilty to crimes “One of my biggest concerns. Unfortunately, it happens all the time,” she added, because guilty pleas “take a lot less work.” Overwhelmingly, defendants charged with felonies plead guilty rather than stand trial – more than 95% of convictions statewide occur before trial. (“Tainted Trials, Stolen Justice,” San Jose Mercury News, 1/25/06). 

I’m mostly on the sad side of the page. Sometimes I’m gripped with this claustrophobic fright. For forty hours now, I’ve been confined to a room smaller than my home closet. I struggle to stay sane, trying not to dwell on my lot. I walk about the cell, read, nap, and talk to my roommate, the Lord. I ask for His protection and pray for courage.

My mood flashes from acceptance to discomfort, then on to gloom,close to losing control.– becoming increasingly aware I ever was in control. Much of my day is spent in prayer. I’ve cleared my calendar and given Him my full attention. I’m starting to learn the meaning of fear of the Lord.

I pace the floor, do sit-ups, stretch, and try back exercises. I do these with intention, if with little passion. I read, rest, and nap. I’m determined to remain physically, mentally, emotionally, and particularly spiritually fit. I try not to relive the past It is about 9:30 AM and already I have walked 1350 steps, about 200 more than yesterday. That’s progress.

All is not lost. The Warden pops by. “How are you doing, old man?” Knowing how abrupt these visits, I pipe up with, “I haven’t had soap or shaving gear.” He said they are on the way. Brazenly, I ask about my Camp transfer. He speaks of their need to complete paperwork. “It shouldn’t be too much longer.” I figure calendars and clocks haven’t yet caught on at Atwater.

 "The essence of Government is power; and power, lodged as it must be in human hands, will forever be liable to abuse." ---James Madison

 Yearning for TLC, I asked the next “face” appearing at the slit whether my wife will be permitted to visit. He doubts it. My initiation to prison culture. No matter how page three of the inmate handout “The Rules and Regulations,” reads, “visitors are allowed”! Emphatically, I’m learning staff doesn’t much cozy to the prisoner rights theme. They seem to make up their own rules from day to day. Compromised, I ask permission to call home, the guard believes that possible, then directs another to fetch me a requisition form.

It never arrives.

A fellow inmate, a dynamic African-American “brother” manning the book cart, rescued me last night. Several hours after hearing the next book distribution is six days away, Mr. Right comes walking down the hall touting “books for the bored.” I opened the slit and hollered out, “Any bibles available?” He had none; they appear not a popular choice. Once again, I felt like the perpetual loser. But minutes later, my “brother” re-appeared, bible in hand. He had retreated to his own cell, found his own, and gifted it to me. I’d have given him the shirt off my back, if I had one.

I wound up with the King James Version of the Holy Bible, and just happened to flip open to First Chronicles, and there facing me was The Prayer of Jabez,

    “Oh that you would bless me, indeed, And enlarge my territory, That your hand would be with me, 
     And  that you would keep me from evil, 
     That I may not cause pain.” 
     So God granted him what he had requested.” I Chronicles 4:10 

 Thereupon, knowingly blessed with the spirit, I resolved to read the Bible cover to cover. I should make good time. There are few distractions

 Today I respond to the morning cries of “Rec!” Heretofore I had no idea what the rant implied. Braving an inquiry, I heard “rec” is short for “recreation.” The guard goes away muttering loud enough for the neighborhood to hear – “How stupid can they be?”

Undaunted, I go to “rec.” This consists of an hour of walking inside a cage. There are maybe ten comparable cages, each a private affair. One cage, one man. The men in the animal cages appear considerably tamer than the guards hosting them. While we walk aimlessly about our locked boxes, they prowl about our cages laughing all the way. At first I didn’t know what to do for rec, so I started jogging. I ran around my cage one hundred six times. Each thirty-six steps made one time around.

My cage had a small blue ball. I tossed it against the wall, but soon grew weary from the combination of Atwater air, prison sadness, and old age. Bending down to catch the ball on the short hop no longer came easy. Fortunately, the young man in the adjoining cage was without a ball. I caught his attention and soon succeeded in ramming it through the chain links.

Bad news. The guards notice I still wear my wedding ring. They insist it has to go. They express concern my finger “will be lopped off along with the ring.” My fat fingers will not allow me to simply remove it, and how I have tried since being forewarned! All I have succeeded in doing is make my fat finger fatter. Having been well briefed in how wanting is the medical care here, I do hope the metal cutter is both sharp and sterile.

Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you where ever you go” 

 Bill and Pam Ziering 831-250-7921 In His service

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


October 2011


Angel Tree is a ministry of Prison Fellowship Ministries that reaches out to the children of inmates and their families with the love of Christ. It seeks to transform the lives of these families and to reconcile them to their Heavenly Father and each other. In Matthew 18:5 Jesus said, “Whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me.”

Last summer in prisons and jails across the country, incarcerated parents applied to have their children participate in the Angel Tree Program. Applications were forwarded to Prison Fellowship Ministries’ clearing house for distribution to participating churches worldwide.

CPC received applications for the children of 31 families who live on the Monterey Peninsula.

We would very much like each of our small groups to adopt a family. CPC participants – small groups and individuals – will contact the caregiver by phone. Please introduce yourself, the Angel Tree Program, and our Church. Let the caregiver know what you have in mind. Verify the names of the children, their ages and their clothes sizes. Get caregiver’s approval for a time when you may come by and meet the kids and the caregiver. This may be to deliver the gifts or even before.

Purchase the Christmas gifts for delivery to the children. Each gift delivery provides an opportunity to share the love and hope of Christ with the family. Through Angel Tree, these children feel a parent’s love, despite their absence. It's suggested that each child receive 1- 2 gifts, totaling no more than $20. One gift should be an article of clothing, the other a toy. After that it's free-wheeling and up to you as the Lord leads you to help and to minister to them.

When you contact the caregiver, be aware that s/he may have no idea of the Angel Tree Program. Most caregivers are highly appreciative of the effort and support that providing gifts at Christmas provides. A few, a very few, are not. They may have separated themselves entirely from the incarcerated member because of what s/he has done to the family. If the caregiver refuses to participate, thank them and wish them well. (Please let me know this.)

Individual and group prayer times prior to meeting with children and their caregivers will strengthen, calm, and keep the volunteers relying upon God. The home may be a stressful environment for the child and the family. Court appearances, prison visits, financial strains, frequent relocations, and interpersonal tensions all test a family to the breaking point. If there has been drug or alcohol abuse, neglect, or physical abuse, stress at home is greatly increased.

Prison Fellowship writes, “Angel Tree doesn’t end with Christmas. For you and your church, that first Christmas connection can be the beginning of a rewarding ongoing relationship with these children and their families. Continue your Angel Tree ministry throughout the year and God will use your church to help these children and their families grow in their faith, strengthen their relationships with imprisoned parents, and fulfill the purposes that God has for their lives"

I personally hope each of the small groups accept this challenge. It certainly would qualify as a community "act" of kindness and not burden lone individuals with the year-round assignment. What a wonderful way for a group to come together. And, I know our members by participating with us will better understand what these families go through than by reading all of the e-mails and listening to the talks I've given to date. Angel Tree provides an opportunity to connect with those families and begin ministering to them at Christmas and continue through a variety of year-round ministry opportunities.

I'm always available to walk anyone through the program and even make house calls.

Grace and peace,

Bill and Pam Ziering 26033 Mesa Drive, Carmel, CA 93923 250-7921


March 30, 2010

“Can you help?”

“There’s this homeless couple with the most adorable 1 year old, living in their car which is about to be compounded. It doesn’t run, needs a lot of unaffordable work,
and is stuck there in front of a church.” The police have given them until the end of the week to move it or lose it.”

So went the 911 conversation with our CPC sister inquiring direction. She had happened upon the mom with infant and sensed things were not right. Over the next few days Cynthia has provided the basic necessities to mom, Michelle, and baby girl Royal. Now she needed more help.

First up, a call to the Salvation Army. I was ultimately connected with a case worker, Psyche (in truth!). Best as I could, from my vantage point as a distant third party I related the story -a story Psyche likely hears a couple of dozen times
daily. She picked up on the number 1, 2, and 3 absolute need - shelter, and asked I drop the family off at their headquarters, 800 Scott in Sand City for an “intake history” and appropriate placement.

The long term core issue to the married couple is a car that works, that works more than just as a domicile, but runs and moves so that mom can get Royal to the doctor (multiple allergies), can drive to the food bank, and enables dad to keep up with collecting recyclables for sustenance

Pam and I met Michelle and Charles today at their big bronze ‘90 Lincoln Continental grounded outside San Carlos Church. Charles, 50ish, gentle and articulate, has two broken down knees, badly in need of joint replacement, but unavailable to him. He struggles to walk. His manner was peaceful, his nature positive, his character, grateful, his love of Michelle and Royal, abundant. Michelle, 25ish, reserved, and withdrawn, was content to play mother, leaving the role of family head to Charles. And in the midst of our fellowship, it began to rain

“Can you help?” The plea was simple, but at this moment of truth, my confidence was iffy. Each S.O.S. distress call is unique. I enjoy the opportunity and always manage to learn from the challenge, but score a total victory, no, and certainly nil without prayer and guidance from the Spirit.

After Charles locked their two bicycles to a post, and transferred the baby car seat, we made off to meet with Psyche. Psyche was sensitive and cordial but not
gushy. She could not fulfill the couple’s primary interest, a shelter that accommodates families. There are a limited number of shelters for the homeless in our county, a few for men, and even less for women, but none for couples with children. And Michelle and Charles are not about abandoning Royal or aborting their marriage vows for their individual self interests.

The immediate solution provided was a night’s rest and shower at a local motel, one replete with a microwave oven and refrigerator (for Royal’s soybean formula – available at $3.39 a half gallon). Further, Psyche provided us with a list of low cost apartment units in the area for which the Salvation Army will help with the first month’s rent and security deposit – a solution, on the surface, not remote from Charles’ ability to handle

Their long term goals are not unrealistic. They need a car that works. Charles’ knees don’t carry him further than a half block or much longer than 4 minutes. He
continues to apply for jobs, any job, minimum pay or otherwise, but never comes close. So he does recyclables 6 days a week. On a bad day he brings in $8 and when he’s graced, $22.

(Charles is a Christian, was brought up Catholic, sent his first children to parochial school in Salinas, and a bible is what we’re gifting him today.)

The vouchers still remaining from the Yellow Brick Road will come in handy later in the week. We’ll take Michelle, Royal, and yes, Charles, on a shopping spree there after the rains let up

Meanwhile Cynthia has arranged for their own local mechanic to check out “the car that couldn’t” to assess the best price available for the block repair.

What Cynthia, Pam, and I are requesting are two items:
• Can you bring your recyclables to CPC on Saturday mornings at 8:30 AM. Pam and I will deliver them to our new friends?

• And, prayerfully, can you part with and donate your old car (that still works or needs not major repair) to our non-profit, For The Least Of Us, (fully deductible). Charles can scrape together up to $500 (if needed) in the transfer.

Bill and Pam Ziering

26033 Mesa Drive

Carmel, CA

November 19, 2012 Late Fall edition TWO WEEKS LATER

A 5 star general couldn’t program this operation better. And since I no longer believe in luck or worldly miracles it must be another God thing

Here’s the “breaking news” story. Dad is returning home in just 6 weeks. After surviving a 5 year separation from his family, he’s to be released from prison on New Year’s Days, in faith, the first day of his new and improved life. A true born-again experience

For the initial 58 months few dramatic events were noted. The prison experience was like treading water. For the day’s excitement, dad blackened another “X” over the numbered date.

Then Jesus took over. For over the last 2 months successions of small events have been noted. •

In preparation for dad’s reentry , his own dad and mom, have taken up residence at Pastor Mike Casey’s “Most Excellent Way” – a rousing evening service attended by about 100 drop-ins seeking solutions for their destructive habits. Who tags along sans a struggle but Joshua (pseudonym) age 14, the eldest of the 3 left behind children. Why? Because he loves and misses his dad and wants to be part of the restorative effort for reconciling the family“The Most Excellent Way” The Christian Solution for Addictions: JESUS!

• In preparation for dad’s reentry, the extended family has successfully coaxed Pastor Mike to consider dad for admission to the Bridge, a Christian residential facility in Pacific Grove. Just the right ticket for dad to reclaim his life and to free himself of his demons. Who has been at the center of the

persuasion to win over dad’s agreement? Joshua of course. Why? Because He loves and misses his dad and wants to be part of the restorative effort for reconciling the family.

• In preparation for dad’s reentry, Joshua came with me to Carmel Presbyterian Church’s youth group service this morning. Josh’s awareness of scripture comes from way back. He’s heard of Adam and Eve, can’t recall ever being in church, and is mixed up on the meaning of Christmas. Yet with considerable apprehension and much hand wringing, Joshua courageously came to church with me this morning and we arrived but 15 minutes late. Why? Because he loves and misses his dad and wants to be part of the restorative effort for reconciling the family.

• Joshua’s Good Samaritan neighbors who in a wink took him in when mom took off are not believers, and haven’t attended church since heaven knows when. Well believe it or not, they’re coming to CPC services next Sunday. Why? They don’t want to be left out of the process. If Joshua can do it for dad, they can do it for Joshua. This thing is building momentum.

• Joshua’s grandma too will attend next Sunday. She actually bumped me as the presenter of the 2 minute testimony on the rewards for sponsorship of an Angel Tree family. She should know; she’s been on ends, a donor and a recipient.

• Then to show that miracles never cease, in the excitement of it all, she has convinced Jedd, her husband to retake their wedding vows again next month. A worldly born- again experience, only this time, better than ever. 831-250-7921 In His service

For The Least Of Us”, Inc. is a 501(c) (3) not-for-profit faith-based Christ centered prison ministry (EIN 26-1361229, DLN 17053351309017). Web site: And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. (Gal 6:9)

Thursday, November 8, 2012


September 29, 2012 Fall edition

Call him hardheaded, call him what you will, Josh*(pseudonym) didn’t care, he was

standing firm. “I’m not leaving. It’s OK for sister and brother to move in with grandma, but I’m 14, in high school, have my friends, and can take care of myself”. Grandma Ruth* lives a million miles away, and I’m not going, and that’s it!

For The Least Of Us met the Clarks* last year while preparing for our annual Angel Tree Christmas celebration. Dad, in the home stretch of his 5 year prison term, had signed on for us to see that his 3 kids not miss out this one last time before the family got back together.

It didn’t turn out that way. Mom had a nice job but was playing incognito. Few knew of her personal life and she fiercely aimed to keep it secret. She wasn’t a happy camper. And she made it abundantly clear she had no intention of being on display attending the party.

Grandma to the rescue. She popped into the old jalopy, moseyed down to Monterey, picked up the children, and joined the other “left behind families” at the gala. After all the children were adorable, happy, and well loved and granny intended to

keep it that way.

Mom’s mom, Ruth had lived locally, but when the economy tightened up, she moved upstate. Still Ruth couldn’t let go. Each summer break, for the past five years, the children would vacation with her at the ranch. The other 9 months were filled with daily phone conversations and monthly visits. Angel Tree proved a turn off for mom. She couldn’t risk being seen and identified as a prison family. Once more enter angelic Ruth. She would whisk the children to our annual Christmas gala replete with song, treats, fellowship, gifts, and an opportunity to cover little Jesus at the Nativity scene. Dad would be proud.

As the countdown to dad’s coming out ticked away, mom began falling apart. Forgiveness wasn’t a big ticket item with her. In fact while dad pined away for a second chance at family restoration, mom continued her hiding out even towards him. Dad however never gave up hoping, writing and calling. Rarely was he rewarded.

About a couple of months ago, the family situation hit rock bottom. Mom apparently fell back to her old self, took up with a stranger, didn’t come home many nights, and left the refrigerator bare too often. Her tardiness at work got her fired and last week she was evicted from her rental. Today, no one knows her whereabouts.

Ruth took the two little ones to live with her; Josh stubbornly refused to go along. So God sent three more angels - Dad’s dad, a compassionate neighbor couple, and the staff at Josh’s high school. Among them were temporary adoption, supervision, shelter, food, clothing, and a ton of love and devotion.

This weekend the two local families and Josh will be heading up to the ranch where the little sister will be baptized.

Even Carmel Pres is getting into the act. With Worship in Action Sunday just 2 days hence, a number of families are providing meals for all. In this case the workers are not few. Thanksgiving is here, and Christmas in neigh.

Dad will be released on January 1 and while he has a good job waiting, he will need a term of rehabilitation, restoration, and reconciliation. We are exploring the possibilities, and with God’s help, it will happen. Bill and Pam Ziering 831-250-7921 For The Least Of Us”, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit faith-based Christ centered prison ministry (EIN 26-1361229, DLN 17053351309017). Web site: And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. (Gal 6:9)


I was in Court today for a sentencing, thankfully to witness this time, not to defend. A dark spirit filled chamber where seemingly a roll of the dice can

determine who goes home tonight and who, handcuffed, returns to the Monterey jail. Pam accompanied me, just as she did time and time again a dozen years ago. We came because Sara*, 26, asked us to. Via email, her court appointed attorney had relayed the request. As it was, none of her once close family or yesterday’s friends showed up, an experience I knew well enough.

We met Sara two years ago at a mandatory PACT meeting (A community reentry program for parolees). There, roughly two dozen local non-profit agencies tout their services to help ease the painful transition back into the community (job training, shelter availability, counseling, skills development, facilities for food and clothing etc). Of the hundred or so attending Sara alone made a beeline to us. After a 3 year incarceration she was excited but fearful, anticipating her coming out event.

We learned she was a Carmel High graduate, came from a professional family, and had attended Carmel Presbyterian Church. That info more than excited us too. We laid

plans for her reentry, promised support, and pledged to ease her reintroduction back into her community. It never happened. She missed our set appointments. Calls to her family were not returned.

Enter God.

Our ministry, For The Least Of Us, had signed up for Carmel Pres’ recent Worship

in Action outreach event, We pitched the membership to prepare dinners for five to be delivered to our Angel Tree families. Eight stepped forward – one being Sara!

The replies drifted in by mail. Shamefully, I didn’t recognize her name. On D day for the food drop off at the Church parking lot we came up one short. Sara was a no show. Indecisive, it was a coin toss on what to do. But after dialing in the Holy Spirit, I telephoned her. She had forgotten. Having gone through a tedious root

canal procedure the day before, she had confined herself to bed and overslept. How repentant Sara, offering a make up for the following day, week or whenever, and even suggesting substituting some house cleaning, baby sitting, dog walking or whatever. I left reassured we’ll catch her in September at our next event.

Shortly thereafter I awakened to an epiphany. Just happening to be visiting Pacific Grove, I somehow chanced to pick up the PG Bulletin, and surprisingly caught a local tidbit – Sara was back in jail, involved in an accident, caught fleeing and found to be DUI. With God pointing the way, I was to have the privileged opportunity to share the Gospel once more Sara was not joyful to see me. Visitations with inmates are restricted to one hour a week. So fearful of being rejected I had decided to show up unannounced believing the Spirit would sustain the moment. I was wrong; Sara was expecting her brother, a law student, who would be giving her pointers on how to testify. Apologetic, in total embarrassment, I started to leave; compassionate, Sara asked me to stay awhile longer.

I requested she keep in touch, volunteered to testify in her behalf, and suggested her brother call me. It didn’t happen. Once again I was set adrift. Sorrowful it was over I turned to other matters. That is until yesterday’s out of the blue request.

In court, Sara was too self preoccupied to share more than a rare glance towards Pam and me. Hers was one of the last cases to be tried, each more disturbing than the other. One 37 year old stoop farm worker with perfect on the job attendance had been pressured by both the agency and a niece to sign off on a car that titillated the youngster. As might have been ordained, it was now in default, and auntie was arrested. Her attorney did a good job in pleading her case, but it went for naught, and right there in the courtroom she was handcuffed and marched off to jail amidst her silent tears. Pam went over to her attorney to offer a contribution towards payment of her overpowering court fees

Before sentencing Sara, the judge asked if there were any witnesses in her behalf. Surprised at the invitation, and aware I would not forgive myself later if I missed the opportunity, I volunteered. Thereupon I was led to an open area alongside the railing but still considerably distant from the judge. Uncomfortable because I

couldn’t clearly hear his instructions I became additionally flustered. Following a quickie make shift prayer, I asked Him to lead me with my testimony.

I reviewed my contacts with Sara and more significantly hers with me. At each step, just when hope seemed irretrievable, Sara miraculously had come forward. Finally, I explained having made contact with Genesis, a local non-profit providing yearlong intensive residential therapy for those with addictive problems and happily discovered Sara is a suitable candidate for admission for which our ministry can help shepherd.

Thereafter the Judge postponed the sentencing rescheduling to later in the month.

On leaving the courtroom, the case prosecutor caught up with us, giving thanks for our presence, and message. He expressed appreciation both for our activity towards Sara’s successful reentry, and more importantly for making him aware that Sara has made demonstrable her heart has signs of faith and goodness

*Sara is a pseudonym for her given name

Bill and Pam Ziering For The Least Of Us, Inc 26033 Mesa Drive Carmel, CA 93923 831-250-7921

For The Least Of Us”, Inc. is a 501(c) (3) not-for-profit faith-based Christ centered prison ministry (EIN 26-1361229, DLN 17053351309017). Web site:

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. (Gal 6:9)

Sunday, March 25, 2012



JESUS! I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me. (Matthew 25:36)

ISAIAH! The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound (Isa 61:1)

You may have noted David and his 6 kids on Sundays celebrating with us at CPC’s 9AM services while the little ones were happily engaged in Lynda Harkins children’s service. Or perhaps you’ve enjoyed this striking Christian family at our Christmas Party 7 weeks ago. Certainly our Friday morning young men’s group knows them, they were their Angel Tree sponsor

Having not seen David the past two weeks coupled with his not responding to my last call, Pam and I dared to make a surprise visit to their rear apartment on Amador in Seaside last night. Today, unable to get the family out of my mind, and with David’s approval, I’m going to share a bit of his story with you. Please forgive me if I don’t get all the details down precisely

I’ve been thoroughly impressed with David from the start. On phoning each of this year’s Angel Tree families in anticipation of our Christmas gala, I learned that when his sister was incarcerated, David absorbed her 3 children into his own clan of 3 thereby making six to feed, shelter, clothe, and love. And when the sister came home, she preferred the 3 remain with David as she began her new life

David is a Christian and has the Spirit clearly within him. I have never found David downbeat. His fixed joyous smile reflects his transformed heart. His faith sustains him with hope and promise. His one prayer is for the children to find the abundant life in Christ

David was thrilled with my call; he described it as God’s answer to prayer. It signaled the intent to bring his clan to Carmel Presbyterian Church knowing that a church like ours with such outreach was right for them. His children would learn right from wrong and acquire the trust and peace of our Lord, Jesus Christ

Peaks and valleys. Joy interwoven with sorrows. Trials amidst victories. Last night we discovered David in under house arrest, serving 50 days for driving to work with a suspended license

If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" And we believe that "anyone" includes prisoners (Prison Fellowship)

Left behind in a prison of their own are the wives and families. Sometimes they lose their home, their car and are burdened with impossible debt –unable to furnish the bare necessities. They are often treated as co-conspirators, shunned in their own humiliation; their children commonly suffer separation anxiety grasping at their mother’s apron strings
Daily work

We function as an emergency responder 24/7 when cases fall through the cracks. Our referrals come from the Monterey jail, Prison Fellowship, homeless shelters, churches, private parties, and the frightened subjects themselves. While we are a faith-based not-for-profit 501c3 ministry, with a preeminent focus in coming aside the women and children left behind we are equally available to all who call regardless of faith, color, nationality, sex, or age.

98% of our attention is with the women and children left behind. The process towards incarceration is emptying. The toll taken is incomparable. It is depleting socially, emotionally, physically, and financially. Death sometimes seems a more welcome option. When mom or dad is in prison, it’s the children who do the hard time. Their support system has been summarily stripped. They appear to have no defense. That is until Jesus comes knocking at the family door

The Board of For The Least Of Us, has been most responsive to this calling in a variety of ways, with their unique gifts. We next meet on Wednesday, October 20 at 6:30 pm in the Board Room of the Monterey Airport .Please come and share your thoughts with us.. We welcome your input .

Bill and Pam Ziering 831-250-7921 In His service

Saturday, March 5, 2011


December 21, 2010

The annual Angel Tree Christmas party at Carmel Presbyterian Church last week celebrated the kickoff of our yearlong personal relationship with our beleaguered neighbors in Seaside, Marina, PG, Monterey, and Carmel whose families has been caught up in the justice system

At the initiative of the “confined” parent, Chuck Colson’s Prison Fellowship forwarded us a list of local families so affected. We were able to match each of these Angel Tree families with individuals and small groups from our and local churches to commemorate the birth of our Savior and redeemer, Jesus Christ. In a program of fellowship, prayer, song, stories, dining, culminating with a visit from Santa laden down with needed clothing, bare necessities, toys, games, and electronics for the teen technocrats

Taking a cue from last year, the present crop of Angel Tree families may look forward to monthly house calls from families bearing cheesy pizzas,, excursions to the Monterey Aquarium, walks along the seaside, picnics at the beach, shopping at the Yellow Brick Road, pocketing of bus tokens, assistance with repair of appliances and autos, birthday gifts, greeting cards, phone calls of encouragement, visits to Burger King, home cooking as our honored guests, fuel for work, chauffeuring, respite care, and objects of our discipleship with, invitations to accompany us to Saturday Mens fellowship, Women in the Word, Sunday services, and participation in our children and youth groups

TESTIMONIALS (Well worth the tears)

David caught our introductory phone call while running errands. True to his word, he called right back on parking his truck. Yes, yes, he had been waiting for a call such as this. On the “internment” of his sister, without a second thought, he assumed care of her 3 children to blend with his own three. Having been through the system himself in his youth, David knew how critical to get the children to church, a youth group, and Christian fellowship.

In follow- up calls, David was joyfully beside himself, impatiently awaiting our Angel Tree Christmas party and the start of something special for his enlarging brood

On arrival of our king-sized Monarch Bus, David was impressive to spot, he was replete with Sunday suit, shirt, tie, and all, so very ready to greet the Lord’s day


Yahanoe and Ahnaya came to the party last year with grandma. She had been raising the two in mom’s absence. Ralph and Gail, their sponsors, had been keeping in touch throughout the year, generously feting them on their birthdays. All were looking forward to their reunion this Christmas

Unfortunately life has it twists. Precious grandma suddenly died. Nowhere were we able to locate the children’s current whereabouts. That is, until Ralph had the bright idea of checking out last year’s school. Bingo, a connection, just 3 weeks before our Christmas gala

Happily mom had recently “come out” and the family, now together, moved to Salinas. But, the demons weren’t about to let good news prevail; things were about to again scramble

Follow-up reminder calls were greeted with disconnected phone messages. Rumor had it that the family had moved back to Seaside. Total despair; so close but yet so far

It was then that God’s will prevailed, for out of nowhere Ahnaya’s cell phone number appeared and on calling, she intuitively remembered me, and was thrilled to learn we hadn’t given up on them

She pledged the whole family would be there at the Boys and Girls Club awaiting the bit bus at 2 PM, December 11th some 5 days hence. Amazingly, in that narrow window of time could you believe the family had moved again – now to Sacramento? So we were to miss them at the party

The following day, in resignation, while dropping the gifts at Auntie’s house I was to receive another surprise, only this time, something nice. Mom was due back in town that very afternoon to clear out the last of their belongings. And that very night I received the loveliest of calls from her, blessing Ralph and Gail for staying the course with them and once again blessing Yahanoe and Ahnaya with still another memorable Christmas. She ended the conversation with wishes they might meet again somehow, somewhere, sometime but soon

Surely, working with this family has been a lesson to the resiliency of Godly families in confronting trials and tribulations when once snagged in the justice system, but still emerging OK


The party must not be over. One young woman called yesterday asking if she’s too late for help with Christmas. Earlier in the day, while standing in line at the grocers, bemoaning prospects of a lean Christmas, she was overheard. The eavesdropper promptly provided her with our home number. She never got a chance to thank the good Samaritan for the latter disappeared in the blink of an eye

She’s 20 and has a 9 month old boy. And with Christmas just around the corner, she had made a number of calls to service agencies only to be told they too were having a hard time this year

Lecretia grew up under Grandma’s watchful eye. Mom had been killed before Lecretia was walking, and dad took off soon thereafter. Lacretia too, will soon be moving on, for Grandmother recently died, and Grandpa, with his wife gone, isn’t able to adapt to rug rats. Lecretia comes across as a survivor, asking only for warm clothing for her son, confessing that he has found all the toys he needs. He’s content to bang away on pots and pans.


It’s been a good start. Parties and gifts do bring cheer and comfort, and we did have a fine neighborhood communion of brothers and sisters in the name of Christ. Now the work begins

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16)

Angel Tree provides an opportunity to disciple the Good News right here in our backyard

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” (Matt22:36-40)

It is our calling to reach out to our neighbors without there being a time limit. These Angel Tree families braved coming to our Church in trust. They came to believe we wished to partner with them in some form as extended family. How rewarding the opportunity to be in relation with them throughout the year in love

“"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me

For The Least Of Us
Bill and Pam Ziering
26033 Mesa Drive,Carmel, CA 93923

Sunday, May 9, 2010





April 20, 2010


LW, 26, cautiously ambled over to our booth during the mandatory monthly parolee meeting in Salinas, finding Pam's presentation on For The Least Of Us relevant and sensitively delivered. This was her first week out after spending four and a half years in prison. Communication was more than difficult what with sixty-five parolees, a dozen officers, and twenty representatives from the non-profit agencies gathered too closely together at the speaker's table, struggling to discover something of value in the despair of their desperate lives.


We reconnected again later that evening; only this occasion was even less fruitful as LW's cell phone kept cutting in and out. We derived this much. She did graduate from Carmel High, had lived with her family in their upscale Pebble Beach home, and has a highly achieving sister now the lead attorney in her firm. Meanwhile Loretta was now living in Carmel apart from her family who were still reliving the pain from five years ago. All of which piled on even more guilt and self-depreciation in Loretta's shattered ego.


Pam and I are vainly attempting to come aside Loretta and bring her into our church family. Family Matters with Christina seems just right, as does one of Brian's home churches. How good it would be for a team of mentors to arise. Loretta seems to crave acceptance, desires fellowship, and to experience the unconditional love of Jesus.


Her pledge to meet us at Church this Sunday failed. We offered a ride, but was rejected. Attempts to reach LW through her sister have not yet worked. We'll back off for a week or two then try again. Maybe starting with a paid visit to her sister's office.




Rochelle, about 45, hasn't been seen since the last rain. No rain, no Rochelle. Mrs D, on Atherton, the former proprietor of an acclaimed Carmel restaurant, has arranged her garage for both Rochelle and her dog – an inseparable pair. They've been doing this for years . Going to a shelter is out of the question. Rochelle wouldn't part company with her pooch for all the creature comforts of man. This week all the goodies prepared for by this gourmet chef were left untouched. Ditto for the dog. Mrs. D knew the family. They once had great wealth. The mom has moved out of state to parts unknown, while the brothers have nothing more to do with Rochelle. What happened is both a mystery and sad. Twenty years ago Rochelle and Mrs D ran in the same circles; Rochelle was engaged to the D's best friends, then something bad happened.


Mrs D left $50 out for Rochelle last week. When the rains came a few days later, Rochelle drove up in a taxi for which Mrs D paid the bill. Where the money went isn't known.


Neither Mrs D nor Pam and I know what to do. Past efforts to board the dog with us while Rochelle moves into a rehab shelter failed. We're both given to more prayer than usual.





Charles, Michelle, and Royal are faring much better. Michelle has come out of her shell and, in trust, spends a fair amount of her day, texting Cynthia, The long and short of it is her intentions to have Royal not relive her own lifestyle. Charles is working, thanks to Dr Kirk. Last reports he's doing about four hours of good work cleaning up the weeds and brush of Kirk's old residence. Then too, Bob, also from the Men's Saturday Mens' Fellowship is going to have Charles build him a fence.


Meanwhile Charles has struck it well with HUD and its Housing Resource Center. They'll be providing a house of the Murray's finding for a four month stay while the case manager works with Charles to improve his fuller restoration.


This will dovetail with our connecting the family with Pueblo Del Mar. It's a two year program with a supplied house and a full program for successful reentry. There Charles with a job in hand, will be continuing with Recovery on a weekly basis. I'll be tagging along at Pastor Mike Casey's highly engaging Monday sessions at Calvary Chapel.


What's particularly appealing is none of the above programs are a free ride. Charles will pay as he goes. And while the non-profits pay the lion share, the Murrays contribute their fair share and get involved in the program activities


Meanwhile Cynthia's bible group is dropping off warm and appetizing dinners to the Murrays on a scheduled basis. Independently, ditto Joanna and her thoughtful family




Helen, from our church, asked assistance for her dear friend down in Glendale whose daughter, now 62, was recently imprisoned at Valley State Prison in Chowchilla. There almost 4,000 women are incarcerated, some lifers, some short timers. (The facility was built to accommodate 2,024 inmates). The problem: Nary a word has been heard from the daughter, Maureen, on this, her first incarceration almost three months ago.


I got in touch with a member of our church whose daughter knows the system there from having spent a good many years there. It turns out, that the initial 90 days, while in "receiving", no telephone calls are permitted and only a few mailings are permitted. There are essentially zero options. Thereafter, one is "classified" and the first order of the day is a gratis phone call to family while in the counselor's presence.


Meanwhile, Helen's friend was left the number of the "A Yard Watch Captain" to let the daughter know her mother misses her with the love of Christ.



Bill and Pam Ziering

26033 Mesa Drive

Carmel, CA 93923




For The Least Of Us", Inc. is a 501(c) (3) not-for-profit faith-based Christ centered prison ministry (EIN 26-1361229, DLN 17053351309017). Web site:







PEN –PAL: A much appreciated source of encouragement and friendship to a lonely prisoner. 


STORY        Visiting Prison in an Envelope            


PLAYERS    Pastor Mike Harbert        

        Inmate Michal Evans

        Inmate Willie Johnson

        Pen-Pal Bill Ziering


ONSET        August, 2009


OPENING    Michael Evans, a Christian, wishing to connect with a Church outside the"wall", wrote to CPC. Pastor Mike passed the message to our ministry.




Ziering (8/09)        Pastor Mike Harbert at our church, Carmel Presbyterian Church, passed your name on to us. We are members there too, and my wife and I team lead two ministries, For The Least Of Us (devoted mainly to the wives and children whose man is incarcerated) and the Coalition of Churches for Reentry and Restoration.(a consortium of 16 churches in Monterey County). I too, a former physician, served 6 months at the Atwater Camp, 9 years ago, never imagining I'd wind up dedicated to saving souls rather than bodies.


I understand you are a "Believer" and are a member of the "choir" there at Salinas Valley. Bravo! Having faith is what got me through our trials.Frankly, my "Summer Camp Atwater" was worth the experience, giving up "some time" to gain an eternity with him.




Evans (Thanksgiving day)    I've been here 15 years and it's starting to get old. I am very bored and lonely. No friends and no one to write to……..I am a born again believer in Christ (Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!(2 Cor 5:17) I grew up in the Church playing the organ and piano, but then made some foolish mistakes…..I always stress to the choir we must live the life we sing about…..My release date is 2020 if it's God's will. . Please continue to write and pray for me.    




Evans (12/27/09)    Praise God! He has blessed me with another year of life. Soon I will be 56 and although 15 years have been spent here at Salinas Valley State Prison, I have met some great guys who I have ministered to………….I am at peace and very happy I got Jesus back into my heart…….. Our choir is breaking up due to a deficit in funding for an officer to baby sit us while we rehearse…..Can you help me with the purchase of a CD player and headphones so I can listen to my Christian CD's. I'm a bit short and if you can contribute half, I can pay you back with doing a portrait of your family or whatever scene you prefer. It's a talent I picked up here at Soledad.




Evans (1/26/10)    Hi Bill. I pray this letter finds you blessed. As for me, I am OK and continue to live saved. God has been good to me helping my sick back to heal with less pain as I am shunted in and out of the hospital……….. I am ready to draw for you whenever you are ready.




Evans (2/8/10)        Hi Bill, I haven't heard from you for awhile. I pray you are well and in good spirits. I no longer have money problems, so you don't have to contribute to my CD player. One of my brothers was released and gave me his gear and sent me $100 too. But I do welcome your letters, they're so inspirational. Remember the drawing I promised to do for you, and please know there is no charge. If I am able to help someone, that's my purpose in life.





Ziering (2/19/10)    Brother Michael - so sorry for the delay. I waited for our Board to release some funds to help you get to your Christian music. They did and I've already ordered the approved unit to be forwarded to you. We can empathize with your joy in music. Our church choir is one of the highlights of our worship service each Sunday, something we couldn't possibly do without.




Evans (2/24/10)    Praise your ministry! I have 9 CD's to listen to now during my good and not so good days. Now I'm pretty much complete and happy. Praise God. Please let the Board know they have made my day, month, and year! Please continue to write.




Evans (4/08/10)    I am so happy right now more than you will ever know……..I'll send you a visiting form too. Maybe you can come visit me. I haven't had a visit in 15 years. I may not know how to act. Respectfully, Michael.




Johnson (4/25/10)    My name is Willie Johnson. I am Mr. Evans cell mate. He went to the hospital on April 20th and hasn't yet returned. When he received your gift he was so happy. That was the first time I've seen him smile in a long time. He's been in great pain with his bad back. He's such a cool guy claiming God has been good to him even with his bum back. The choir is waiting for his return. He plays the piano and without him there's no music. …… I too need a pen-pal. I've been here 23 years. My mom and sister have pass away so I have nobody in my life so if you wish to write me too, it's all good. Have a nice day. Willie Johnson.



Bill and Pam Ziering

26033 Mesa Drive

Carmel, CA 93923




For The Least Of Us", Inc. is a 501(c) (3) not-for-profit faith-based Christ centered prison ministry (EIN 26-1361229, DLN 17053351309017). Web site:





























Sunday, April 11, 2010




March 30, 2010

"Can you help?"


"There's this homeless couple with the most adorable 1 year old, living in their car which is about to be compounded. It doesn't run, needs a lot of unaffordable work, and is stuck there in front of a church." The police have given them until the end of the week to move it or lose it."

So went the 911 conversation with our CPC sister inquiring direction. She had happened upon the mom with infant and sensed things were not right. Over the next few days Cynthia has provided the basic necessities to mom, Michelle, and baby girl Royal. Now she needed more help.

First up, a call to the Salvation Army. I was ultimately connected with a case worker, Psyche (in truth!). Best as I could, from my vantage point as a distant third party I related the story -a story Psyche likely hears a couple of dozen times daily. She picked up on the number 1, 2, and 3 absolute need - shelter, and asked I drop the family off at their headquarters, 800 Scott in Sand City for an "intake history" and appropriate placement.

The long term core issue to the married couple is a car that works, that works more than just as a domicile, but runs and moves so that mom can get Royal to the doctor (multiple allergies), can drive to the food bank, and enables dad to keep up with collecting recyclables for sustenance

Pam and I met Michelle and Charles today at their big bronze '90 Lincoln Continental grounded outside San Carlos Church. Charles, 50ish, gentle and articulate, has two broken down knees, badly in need of joint replacement, but unavailable to him. He struggles to walk. His manner was peaceful, his nature positive, his character, grateful, his love of Michelle and Royal, abundant. Michelle, 25ish, reserved, and withdrawn, was content to play mother, leaving the role of family head to Charles. And in the midst of our fellowship, it began to rain

"Can you help?" The plea was simple, but at this moment of truth, my confidence was iffy. Each S.O.S. distress call is unique. I enjoy the opportunity and always manage to learn from the challenge, but score a total victory, no, and certainly nil without prayer and guidance from the Spirit.

After Charles locked their two bicycles to a post, and transferred the baby car seat, we made off to meet with Psyche. Psyche was sensitive and cordial but not gushy. She could not fulfill the couple's primary interest, a shelter that accommodates families. There are a limited number of shelters for the homeless in our county, a few for men, and even less for women, but none for couples with children. And Michelle and Charles are not about abandoning Royal or aborting their marriage vows for their individual self interests.

The immediate solution provided was a night's rest and shower at a local motel, one replete with a microwave oven and refrigerator (for Royal's soybean formula – available at $3.39 a half gallon). Further, Psyche provided us with a list of low cost apartment units in the area for which the Salvation Army will help with the first month's rent and security deposit – a solution, on the surface, not remote from Charles' ability to handle

Their long term goals are not unrealistic. They need a car that works. Charles' knees don't carry him further than a half block or much longer than 4 minutes. He continues to apply for jobs, any job, minimum pay or otherwise, but never comes close. So he does recyclables 6 days a week. On a bad day he brings in $8 and when he is graced, $22.

(Charles is a Christian, was brought up Catholic, sent his first children to parochial school in Salinas, and a bible is what we're gifting him today.)

The vouchers still remaining from the Yellow Brick Road will come in handy later in the week. We'll take Michelle, Royal, and yes, Charles, on a shopping spree there after the rains let up

Meanwhile Cynthia has arranged for their own local mechanic to check out "the car that couldn't" to assess the best price available for the block repair.

What Cynthia, Pam, and I are requesting are two items

  • Can you bring your recyclables to CPC on Saturday mornings at 8:30 AM. Pam and I will deliver them to our new friends?
  • And, prayerfully, can you part with and donate your old car (that still works or needs not major repair) to our non-profit, For The Least Of Us, (fully deductible). Charles can scrape together up to $500 (if needed) in the transfer.


Bill and Pam Ziering

26033 Mesa Drive

Carmel, CA









Tuesday, March 30, 2010



    March 30, 2010


"Can you help?"

"There's this homeless couple with the most adorable 1 year old, living in their car which is about to be compounded. It doesn't run, needs a lot of unaffordable work, and is stuck there in front of a church." The police have given them until the end of the week to move it or lose it."

So went the 911 conversation with our CPC sister inquiring direction. She had happened upon the mom with infant and sensed things were not right. Over the next few days Cynthia has provided the basic necessities to mom, Michelle, and baby girl Royal. Now she needed more help    

First up, a call to the Salvation Army. I was ultimately connected with a case worker, Psyche (in truth!). Best as I could, from my vantage point as a distant third party I related the story -a story Psyche likely hears a couple of dozen times daily. She picked up on the number 1, 2, and 3 absolute need - shelter, and asked I drop the family off at their headquarters, 800 Scott in Sand City for an "intake history" and appropriate placement

The long term core issue to the married couple is a car that works, that works more than just as a domicile, but runs and moves so that mom can get Royal to the doctor (multiple allergies), can drive to the food bank, and enables dad to keep up with collecting recyclables for sustenance

Pam and I met Michelle and Charles today at their big bronze '90 Lincoln Continental grounded outside San Carlos Church. Charles, 50ish, gentle and articulate, has two broken down knees, badly in need of joint replacement, but unavailable to him. He struggles to walk. His manner was peaceful, his nature positive, his character, grateful, his love of Michelle and Royal, abundant. Michelle, 25ish, reserved, and withdrawn, was content to play mother, leaving the role of family head to Charles. And in the midst of our fellowship, it began to rain

"Can you help?" The plea was simple, but at this moment of truth, my confidence was iffy. Each S.O.S. distress call is unique. I enjoy the opportunity and always manage to learn from the challenge, but score a total victory, no, and certainly nil without prayer and guidance from the Spirit

After Charles locked their two bicycles to a post, and transferred the baby car seat, we made off to meet with Psyche. Psyche was sensitive and cordial but not gushy. She could not fulfill the couple's primary interest, a shelter that accommodates families. There are a limited number of shelters for the homeless in our county, a few for men, and even less for women, but none for couples with children. And Michelle and Charles are not about abandoning Royal or aborting their marriage vows for their individual self interests

The immediate solution provided was a night's rest and shower at a local motel, one replete with a microwave oven and refrigerator (for Royal's soybean formula – available at $3.39 a half gallon). Further, Psyche provided us with a list of low cost apartment units in the area for which the Salvation Army will help with the first month's rent and security deposit – a solution, on the surface, not remote from Charles' ability to handle

Their long term goals are not unrealistic. They need a car that works. Charles' knees don't carry him further than a half block or much longer than 4 minutes. He continues to apply for jobs, any job, minimum pay or otherwise, but never comes close. So he does recyclables 6 days a week. On a bad day he brings in $8 and when he's graced, $22.

(Charles is a Christian, was brought up Catholic, sent his first children to parochial school in Salinas, and a bible is what we're gifting him today.)

The vouchers still remaining from the Yellow Brick Road will come in handy later in the week. We'll take Michelle, Royal, and yes, Charles, on a shopping spree there after the rains let up

Meanwhile Cynthia has arranged for their own local mechanic to check out "the car that couldn't" to assess the best price available for the block repair

What Cynthia, Pam, and I are requesting are two items:

  • Can you bring your recyclables to CPC on Saturday mornings at 8:30 AM. Pam and I will deliver them to our new friends?


  • And, prayerfully, can you part with and donate your old car (that still works or needs not major repair) to our non-profit, For The Least Of Us, (fully deductible). Charles can scrape together up to $500 (if

    needed) in the transfer.


Bill and Pam Ziering

26033 Mesa Drive

Carmel, CA








Sunday, March 28, 2010




Welcome to Overcomers: A post-prison Ministry In The Church

P.O. Box 403
Browns Plains
Brisbane, Qld 4118
3800 5813
3800 5813

Mentoring Program Within The Local Church

The Need:- Many of the inmates and ex-offenders I have spoken with, both as I ministered to them and as I have come in contact with them during my work in the community have expressed a profound knowledge of the lack of support "on the outside".


They usually are scared to death of what they will face and have expressed the fact that there is a need for a major support group for all ex-offenders. Their main fear in recidivism is the "abrupt transition back into society". In most cases there is no preparation given to them for this. It is just open the gate, shove 'em out, slam the gate behind them with a "you'll be back" attitude.


Often if the ex-offender has served a long term of five years or more, everything they knew has changed and they feel completely lost. The biggest problem most ex-offenders face is fear. Fear of failure. Fear of rejection by people within the Church because of where they have been and the reasons behind it. The ex-offender will often confront the pressures and prejudices of friends and family. They often have a low self-esteem and feelings of failure, hopelessness, suspicion and apathy.


Most leave prison with the same problems they had when they entered. Some have added problems that have developed whilst incarcerated. Such things as family breakdowns, enemies they may have made whilst living in close quarters whilst incarcerated, what to do with their lives from here on in, how they will survive and more. Many have to now face a world they faced before they went into prison, a world where they see no other options other than to commit another crime to survive. A world where no one will care about them or understand them or their needs.


These facts are a major contributing factor to a high rate of re-arrest across Australia. Even perhaps, world-wide. Statistics from state governments in Australia place the recidivism rate at anywhere from 50-80% on average. The failure of the Corrective system to truly rehabilitate inmates world-wide is well documented.


Therefore it is up to the Church to go well beyond the scope of many government and secular programs and to develop faith-based solutions to the problem of recidivism. Many studies have been made into this problem (one major study being carried out by the Washington Post, October 4 1997, and made public, the fact that there was a major failure in this arena even with special programmed courses for inmates in place. This is so in many cases of ex-offenders in Queensland's Correctional system. It has been found through research that Christian faith-based programs greatly reduce recidivism among their participants. This still however, does not fully eradicate the problem. It is up to the Church to ever look for the means to do this through the extending of the love of Jesus to these folk.


Both men and women. Overcomer's program is designed to have a major role in this area. Mentors General description: Mentors do not necessarily need to be trained counselors although if they are it is even better, but mostly they need to understand the needs of these people as they reintegrate into society. The mentors will need to be friends who will show they truly care for the well being and self-esteem and Spiritual growth of the ex-offender, bearing in mind that they will be working not only with Christians, but leading others to Jesus who have sought assistance as they come to the realization that they are in need of a mentor and assistance. All mentors undergo a training program which will equip them for this work. This training will be undertaken at various venues as both numbers and time permits. It will also incorporate ongoing training as the need arises. Mentors are responsible for providing support, encouragement and guidance to ex-offenders participating in the reintegration program by meeting with them regularly to listen and to share knowledge and experience. Both mentor and participants will have input into determining with whom they will be placed. Their placement will be with the denomination of their choice. It is also an excellent opportunity for students who wish to become involved with this work in the Pastoral Care practicums of their studies and future Ministry through working alongside Overcomers staff. The mentors can be from a variety of backgrounds ranging from psychology to Theology students and those who have at some time been incarcerated in a correctional center (a twelve month probationary period alongside of a proven mentor would be required in this latter).


This is not a ministry for what is often termed the "do-gooder". This is a very serious and important ministry and there must be a definite calling upon one's life to minister Christ to the fullest in this arena. This is an excellent opportunity to become involved in assisting the ex-offender to follow a life void of crime and full of Christ. The mentor should not be one who feels they would not be able to maintain confidentiality in their dealings with individual ex-offenders. They should also minister only to those of their own gender, except in the case of qualified psychologists or counselors and then only in the company of another person. For this reason it saves both time and effort in an emergency situation when an ex-offender needs immediate attention.


Qualifications for Mentors 1. Must believe in the program and the participant 2. Must be relationship-oriented, especially in relationship Evangelism. 3. Must understand ex-offenders and the problems they face. 4. Must be able to encourage and support without creating dependency. 5. Must be a responsible Christian fellowshipping regularly at a local Church. 6. Must be drug free and crime free for at least 1 year prior to appointment. 7. Must be approved by local Church leaders, with personal Pastoral reference. 8. Must reside in or within quick traveling distance of an area where Overcomers is operational. 9. Must be prepared to be called on a 24 hour basis if and when required. (This would be screened by a volunteer, 24 hour answer service). Responsibilities 1. Initiate and maintain contact with the participant in prison and after release; encourage the participant to feel free to call the mentor. 2. Visit participant at least once Bi-weekly. To write to the participant whilst they are still incarcerated or call at least once per week by telephone upon their release until the participant no longer requires their assistance. 3. Maintain contact with the participant for at least six months. Upon agreement by both parties, their relationship can be continued beyond this six month period. 4. Help the participant develop a life plan and obtain resources necessary for survival. The participant is to be encouraged to take the major role in this development. 5. Give general support as the participant goes through with his/her plan. 6. Avoid personal financial involvement. Overcomers support of Mentors.


Mentors will receive support from the program in the following ways: 1. An orientation meeting will be held to meet other mentors, review responsibilities and answer questions. This will be done by meeting together with the Chaplains of various Centers to develop a plan of action for the particular participant since the Chaplain will be the initial contact and will usually have a firsthand understanding of the individual ex-offender concerned. 2. The Project Coordinator will interview the mentor by appointment on a monthly basis to evaluate the mentor/participant relationship. 3. Regular meetings will be held for mentors to discuss problems and exchange ideas in problem solving and ongoing training as new methods are developed. 4. If a mentor relationship develops serious problems, which can happen to the best of them, Senior staff will help solve the problem where possible or after discussion with all parties concerned, will terminate the relationship and where possible, appoint a new mentor to the case. 5. Mentors will have available to them a resource list of shelters, release houses, emergency food sources, job leads (through both a list developed by Overcomers and an appointed local employment agency), etc. 6. Initial and on-going training will be provided for interested mentors in local Church settings. 7. For confidentiality purposes, mentors will be able to use Overcomers address or telephone number if they do not wish to disclose their own, however it is preferred that at least one other contact telephone number is used for emergency purposes. Overcomers Need:- To support this ministry, like everyone else, we have the need for prayer and financial partners. Please prayerfully consider this aspect of perhaps the most important ministry to the ex-offender.... that of continued discipleship according to the mandate in Matthew 28:20.


Remembering that in today's society there is a need for financial support for a ministry to continue and meet the daily need. For further details on how you can become a support partner and for prayer needs please feel free to contact us by email. Donations are best sent by cheque or money order to our office. As a Church fellowship, you might like to consider our "Gold Coin" option...If each Church member donated a gold coin once per week toward this ministry, imagine what God could do in discipling these folk in a year. Please feel free to contact us and we will advise of further details involving this area. Thank you for taking the time to read this page and please do come visit us again. Mentor and financial support partner applications can be made directly to our office. 192 Browns Plains Road, Browns Plains, Brisbane 4118 Telephone 617(07)3800 5813 Facsimile (07) 3809 0707 Email: 



Bill and Pam Ziering

26033 Mesa Drive

Carmel, CA


Saturday, March 27, 2010

This post was published to For The Least Of Us at 11:19:37 AM 3/27/2010

The Call to Prison Ministry
by Kenneth L. Carder
Kenneth L. Carder is a bishop in the United Methodist church in Nashville, TN. This article appeared in The Christian Century, October 3, 2006,

When I was a newly ordained pastor in 1966, I heard a speech by a federal judge that significantly shaped my life and ministry. The judge said that he kept in contact with every person he sentenced to prison. His rationale for writing or visiting inmates was simple: he didn’t want his only impact on an individual to be the act of denying his or her freedom.

This highly regarded jurist then said, "Pastors should be as familiar with the inside of the local jails and prisons as they are the local hospitals." He observed that most people who are hospitalized have a strong support system and are surrounded by people devoted to their healing and well-being. By contrast, people housed in jails and prisons receive minimal support, and the people around them are mostly committed to confining and punishing them.

Though as a pastor I had visited hospitals almost daily, I had never been inside a jail. Within a few weeks of hearing that judge’s challenge. I made my first visit to the county jail. I reluctantly and anxiously entered a world often hidden from and ignored by congregations and pastors. There I met more than law enforcement officers and inmates. I met the One who said, "I was in prison and you visited me.

The incarcerated are among the fastest-growing populations in the U.S. Approximately 4,500 are added to the prison population each month. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics for 2004, there are more than 2.2 million inmates in the nation’s jails. The 2004 figures reflect a record 32-year continuous rise in the number of inmates. The U.S. incarceration rate of 724 per 100,000 residents is the highest in the world. The rate of incarceration has quintupled since 1971. Prisons and jails are grossly overcrowded, with no relief in sight.

Prison ministries are usually relegated to specialized groups such as Prison Fellowship or Kairos. Inmates are seldom on the regular visitation schedules of pastors. Government-funded prison chaplains are relied upon to provide pastoral care and religious services to inmates. Very few local jails have chaplains. While many dedicated chaplains serve in prisons, they are often seen as hired hands of the department of corrections, and they often lack the trust of inmates.

For pastors, finding the time to add prisoners to the list of those to be visited is a challenge. Personal fear and lack of confidence in relating to the criminal-justice system creates understandable hesitation and resistance. Entering the unfamiliar world of inmates entails moving outside comfort zones, and those who desire to do so will receive little encouragement.

Hostility and prejudice toward the incarcerated are impediments to ministry. The criminal justice system is dominated by notions of retribution, vengeance, punishment and isolation. The core values of the Christian gospel -- forgiveness, compassion, redemption, reconciliation, restorative justice -- run counter to prevailing sentiments in the justice system.

Pastors and congregations engaged in prison ministry often meet bureaucratic resistance. Prison staffs are overworked, underpaid and undervalued, and they work in a high-stress environment. They are among those who need the ministry of the church. Building trust among the staff is essential for access and effectiveness in any prison ministry.

Though the obstacles are formidable, the potential benefits to pastors and congregations are substantial. And much is at stake: faithfulness to Christ’s mandate and mission, renewal of the church’s witness and ministry, the theological integrity of the church’s proclamation, the spiritual vitality of pastors, and the well-being of more than 2 million inmates and their families.
Prisons and jails present in microcosm the challenges confronting the church and the world -- racial polarization, economic disparity and poverty, terror and violence, drug and alcohol abuse, personal and family brokenness, isolation and loneliness, anger and meaninglessness and guilt. Behind the walls of every prison and jail are fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, husbands and wives, friends and neighbors -- all persons made in the divine image who, like the rest of us, have distorted that image and who long for love, reconciliation and purpose. Ministry in such contexts of intense needs and opportunities can energize and shape ministry in the broader society where the same realities exist in less concentrated form.

Inmates and their families have shaped my own experience and understanding of the gospel. During my first jail visit a young man asked to speak with me privately. Ed was a muscular man whose arms were covered with tattoos. On his left arm was inscribed Born to Lose, and on his other arm, Born to Raise Hell. He immediately blurted out, "How do I get God in my life?"

"Why,", I asked, "do you want God in your life? What difference do you think that would make?"
For the next several minutes he shared his life’s story of abuse, foster homes, repeated incarcerations for drunkenness, theft and larceny. He then added sorrowfully, "I’ve obviously made a mess of my life. I want to amount to something. I’ve hurt a lot of people and I ain’t worth shit."
I responded, "Ed, you don’t have to get God in your life. God is already present in you. Your guilt and regret, the longing to make something of your life, the desire for a sense of worth -- that is God’s presence with you. We can begin by thanking God for being present in those feelings and desires and then open your whole life to that Presence."

What theologians call prevenient grace took on new meaning in that conversation. I learned that we never take God anywhere; we find God already present.

Ed helped me learn early on that the Christian gospel must be more than a theological abstraction; it must be embodied. How was Ed to know the meaning of love when all he had known was rejection? How was he to understand forgiveness when vengeance and retribution had dominated his experience? How was he to experience the worth and dignity rooted in grace when he felt worthless?

After several visits, Ed asked, "Can you introduce me to a man in your church who can show me what it’s like to be a Christian?" That opened the door for congregational involvement. I introduced him to a person in the congregation who subsequently involved others in baking cookies and providing reading material for inmates and organizing occasional worship services.

Some of my most profound theological insights, transforming experiences and enduring friendships have come out of my relationships with 
incarcerated persons. Inmates have plenty of free time, and artwork can be a popular pastime. Several men who occupied the same cellblock in one county jail were particularly adept at creating cartoons. I provided them copies of the New Testament in a modem translation and asked them to read the parables and sayings of Jesus and identify those that lent themselves to cartoon portrayal. The result was a collection of insightful portrayals of the blind leading the blind, a rich man trying to go through the eye of a needle, a man removing the speck from another’s eye while a log was protruding from his own, and the laying up of treasures where moth and rust destroy and thieves steal. The cartoons led to long hours of discussion of the teachings of Jesus that would rival most seminary classes for passion and depth of insight.

Involvement with prison and jail ministries keeps the pastor focused on life-and-death matters. Leaving the "free world" and entering the world behind prison walls tends to strip one of pretense and superficial preoccupations.
No place confronts us with life-and-death challenges like death row. Relationships with the condemned and those whose job is to guard them and execute them are among the most intense and transformative pastoral relationships. Capital punishment ceases to be an abstract political, ethical and theological issue. Being present with persons who are awaiting execution, along with their families and the families of the victims of violence, pushes the pastor to the edges of faith and stability.

Bill has been a friend since I met him on death row more than 20 years ago. We have shared many experiences -- his retrial and resentencing (to life in prison) and my changes in pastoral assignments. When I was elected bishop he called me from prison to say, "Finally, an American election that turned out right."

Bill is always forthright, insightful and compassionate. When I asked him if any pastors or people from local churches ever visited his prison, which houses approximately 3,000 people, he said, "I’ve been in this prison six years and I haven’t seen a preacher yet, and I’m not aware of any churches that are involved here." I had passed several churches of various denominations along the rural west Tennessee road that leads to the sprawling prison complex.

Since I now help to educate and form pastors in seminary, I asked Bill, "What do you consider to be the most important qualities of a pastor?"
He replied, "Integrity, consistency and dependability." By integrity he meant that there should be congruity between the pastor’s proclamation of the gospel and the pastor’s life. Consistency, for Bill, involves treating people consistently with respect, compassion and dignity regardless of their status or condition. Dependability is "doing what you say you will do." He added that over his more than 25 years of incarceration he had seen many pastors and church people promise, with good intentions, to visit, but "only a handful can be depended on to stick around very long." Such unfulfilled promises add to the cynicism and disillusionment of inmates.

Unless it is involved with the people in jails and prisons, the church will surely lack integrity, consistency and dependability.

Bill and Pam Ziering

26033 Mesa Drive

Carmel, CA