PEN –PAL: A much appreciated source of encouragement and friendship to a lonely prisoner.
STORY Visiting Prison in an Envelope
PLAYERS Pastor Mike Harbert
Inmate Michal Evans
Inmate Willie Johnson
Pen-Pal Bill Ziering
ONSET August, 2009
OPENING Michael Evans, a Christian, wishing to connect with a Church outside the"wall", wrote to CPC. Pastor Mike passed the message to our ministry.
Ziering (8/09) Pastor Mike Harbert at our church, Carmel Presbyterian Church, passed your name on to us. We are members there too, and my wife and I team lead two ministries, For The Least Of Us (devoted mainly to the wives and children whose man is incarcerated) and the Coalition of Churches for Reentry and Restoration.(a consortium of 16 churches in Monterey County). I too, a former physician, served 6 months at the Atwater Camp, 9 years ago, never imagining I'd wind up dedicated to saving souls rather than bodies.
I understand you are a "Believer" and are a member of the "choir" there at Salinas Valley. Bravo! Having faith is what got me through our trials.Frankly, my "Summer Camp Atwater" was worth the experience, giving up "some time" to gain an eternity with him.
Evans (Thanksgiving day) I've been here 15 years and it's starting to get old. I am very bored and lonely. No friends and no one to write to……..I am a born again believer in Christ (Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!(2 Cor 5:17) I grew up in the Church playing the organ and piano, but then made some foolish mistakes…..I always stress to the choir we must live the life we sing about…..My release date is 2020 if it's God's will. . Please continue to write and pray for me.
Evans (12/27/09) Praise God! He has blessed me with another year of life. Soon I will be 56 and although 15 years have been spent here at Salinas Valley State Prison, I have met some great guys who I have ministered to………….I am at peace and very happy I got Jesus back into my heart…….. Our choir is breaking up due to a deficit in funding for an officer to baby sit us while we rehearse…..Can you help me with the purchase of a CD player and headphones so I can listen to my Christian CD's. I'm a bit short and if you can contribute half, I can pay you back with doing a portrait of your family or whatever scene you prefer. It's a talent I picked up here at Soledad.
Evans (1/26/10) Hi Bill. I pray this letter finds you blessed. As for me, I am OK and continue to live saved. God has been good to me helping my sick back to heal with less pain as I am shunted in and out of the hospital……….. I am ready to draw for you whenever you are ready.
Evans (2/8/10) Hi Bill, I haven't heard from you for awhile. I pray you are well and in good spirits. I no longer have money problems, so you don't have to contribute to my CD player. One of my brothers was released and gave me his gear and sent me $100 too. But I do welcome your letters, they're so inspirational. Remember the drawing I promised to do for you, and please know there is no charge. If I am able to help someone, that's my purpose in life.
Ziering (2/19/10) Brother Michael - so sorry for the delay. I waited for our Board to release some funds to help you get to your Christian music. They did and I've already ordered the approved unit to be forwarded to you. We can empathize with your joy in music. Our church choir is one of the highlights of our worship service each Sunday, something we couldn't possibly do without.
Evans (2/24/10) Praise your ministry! I have 9 CD's to listen to now during my good and not so good days. Now I'm pretty much complete and happy. Praise God. Please let the Board know they have made my day, month, and year! Please continue to write.
Evans (4/08/10) I am so happy right now more than you will ever know……..I'll send you a visiting form too. Maybe you can come visit me. I haven't had a visit in 15 years. I may not know how to act. Respectfully, Michael.
Johnson (4/25/10) My name is Willie Johnson. I am Mr. Evans cell mate. He went to the hospital on April 20th and hasn't yet returned. When he received your gift he was so happy. That was the first time I've seen him smile in a long time. He's been in great pain with his bad back. He's such a cool guy claiming God has been good to him even with his bum back. The choir is waiting for his return. He plays the piano and without him there's no music. …… I too need a pen-pal. I've been here 23 years. My mom and sister have pass away so I have nobody in my life so if you wish to write me too, it's all good. Have a nice day. Willie Johnson.
Bill and Pam Ziering
26033 Mesa Drive
Carmel, CA 93923
For The Least Of Us", Inc. is a 501(c) (3) not-for-profit faith-based Christ centered prison ministry (EIN 26-1361229, DLN 17053351309017). Web site: fortheleastofus.blogspot.com
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