Monday, December 28, 2009

ANGEL TREE CHRISTMAS PARTY at Carmel Presbyterian Church

                    FOR THE LEAST  US 
          Challenging churches and restoring families 

Christmas 2009        

                         Host Families
    Angel Tree Christmas Festival    

 I want to thank your ministry for giving our church the opportunity to share the joy of Christmas giving with these hurting families. Anthony was the most alert, wide-eyed child I have ever seen, taking in everything including four pieces of pizza, two ice creams, and a box of raisins! He carried and guarded his gifts all the way home!  I suspect that Rudy will be open to Men's Fellowship and church. I'll be in touch with the family. Chuck

Wade and I had a wonderful time at the party(wow) and with our precious new friends Alejandra and Angel(after they got on the bus, Angel blew kisses back to me as we waved through the window!). I took a turkey to the family today and Alejandra was very excited to be able to cook it along with her sister-in-law for all the family. They are so grateful and we pray God's blessing on them and all the "little ones". Merry Christmas, Sheryl and Wade

The party was grand.  The kids seemed to enjoy themselves, the adults seemed comfortable and happy. I enjoyed chatting with the 9th grader in your family, C.J.  He was friendly, and liked to talk about sports.Our family was very lovely.  We will stay in touch.  The older daughter is developmentally disabled, so Ann wants to see that she is getting the medical support she needs.  Ann might be able to get the mom hooked into Easter Seals. Ron    

What a beautiful event.  I am so sorry that I wasn't able to participate, but I will be part of it next year. Maria


 What a great party! What a fabulous afternoon! You blessed so many, my family included, by orchestrating this grand event. I have a CD with all the photos. Christina. 


Yesterday I was at a boy's group home making Christmas cookies with about 7 wonderful boys and we had such a wonderful time of just sharing the afternoon and singing Christmas songs. Our hearts are on similar paths to reveal the Father's love to those sometimes forgotten and set aside through lives circumstances, BUT GOD He sees each one and knows their heart so he sends his assistants, US..We love you and bless you so much. Dan and Vicki

The smiles on the faces say it all!!! A wonderful evening. Thank you for all your ministry does to enrich the lives of these families. Doyle


Thank you for your tireless work "for the least of these" as representatives of our Lord and Savior, Jesus!! I pray you have a wonderful Christmas! Your brother and fellow servant. Mike


For The Least Of Us
Bill and PamZiering
26033 Mesa Drive
Carmel, CA 93923

"For The Least Of Us, Inc." is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit faith-based prison ministry (EIN 26-1361229) Donations are entirely tax-deductible and may be mailed to the above address in care of For The Least Of Us

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